
How To Install Shop Vac Filter Bag

No matter what kind of vacuum cleaner you use (disposable or reusable), unfold the bag and wind the ends to make a loop. You may need to fold a bit at the bottom and match the cardboard. Newer versions will slightly differ in process.

How To Install Shop Vac Filter Bag FI

How to Install Shop Vac Filter Bag

Depending on the model of the vacuum cleaner, the installation process of the filter bag varies. There are a couple of different methods regarding this and we will walk you through them.

Open Up

The first step to the process is to take off the lid or plastic cover of the unit. Some cleaners have zippers instead of lids. Whichever it is, take off the cover to open up the unit where the bag goes.

Open Up

Identify Slot Type

After opening up the unit, you will see the slots where the filter bag goes. Take a good look at this as there can be different types of slots and hooks depending on the model. Also, regarding the size of the unit, you have to take a bag that fits perfectly into it.

Identify Slot Type

Old Models

Most of the old models have this hard-mounted intake spout part. It doesn't move in any direction and can't be pulled out of the unit. Then you take the bag and spread it a little bit to make a circle with it. It helps to fit the bag well into the unit. If the bag is bigger, fold it at the bottom so it's not above the rim.

The filter bags have a little opening that goes into the intake spout. This opening is associated with a cardboard flange that slides into the grooves of the intake spout part. So, all you have to do is push the cardboard into the intake part so it fits into the grooves properly. And that's pretty much it.

Newer Models

On the contrary, the newer models are naturally a little advanced than the older ones. The intake part on these is designed to move. So, you can take it off from the unit while installing the bag. Also, it has options for dry and wet vac. The intake is turned in one way for dry vac and the other way for wet vac.

Other Models

Apart from these two types of models, some other models use clips and screws to fit it into the nozzle opening. So, all you have to do is hook the bag into the intake with the clips. Some models have pins to hold the bag down and the rest just depends on gravity. Then just close the cover and you are done.

How to Install Ridgid Vacuum Bag and Filter 16 Gallon Shop Vac

The Ridgid 16-gallon wet dry vacuum is designed for heavy-duty cleaning work. Its installation process is pretty similar to the usual shop vacs. To start with the process, you have to unlock the hatch and separate the upper half of the vac.


The filter and the bags come unattached with the other parts. If you look at the lid, there is a cylindrical frame on it which is the motor case. The filter is mounted onto the case. You'll notice a small notch on top of the motor case that has grooves and curves on it.


Slide the Filter

Firstly, to install the filter, you have to slide the filter on the motor case down. There's a hole on the upper side of the filter that falls into the grooves and makes a pop sound. It means the filter is properly fitted onto the lid.

Slide the Filter

Slide the Cardboard

Secondly, the filter bag installation is exactly similar to any normal shop vacs. It is installed into the lower part of the vacuum which is the main unit. The bags have a cardboard opening that goes into the intake nozzle spout. Just slide the cardboard of the bag onto the intake spout and clip it at the bottom.

Slide the Cardboard

End with Safety

If it doesn't have any clips or pins, it's okay to leave it as it is. Just let the gravity do its job and you are done with the installation.

Shop-Vac Foam Sleeve Installation

Foam sleeve installation is mainly used to pick up dust and dry material. Instead of a normal filter dry filter is used along with it. Just as stated before, you have to detach the top half of the cleaner. So that you can access the motor case onto the lid.

Remove the Filter

Generally, a normal filter is mounted on the case. So, first, you have to remove the filter from the case and put it away. The foam sleeve goes in place of the normal filter so just slip that on the case. This particular process requires care as it's very easy to tear the foam sleeve.

Remove the Filter

Put the Dry Filter

After that, place the dry filter on top of the foam and secure it with a mounting ring. You can also use a simple rubber band instead of the mounting ring. It is much economical too. Then just put the lids back on the unit and it's finished.

Put the Dry Filter

How Do You Put a Dust Bag in a Shop Vac?

Dust bags are used to prevent the filter from clogging. It collects the fine dust and keeps the filter cleaner. They are used the same way as the filter bags. Also, the installation method is the same as well. Just hook the cardboard onto the intake. Dustbags can be used instead of filter bags.

How Do You Put a Dust Bag in a Shop Vac

Frequently Asked Question

Q: Can I use the shop bag without a filter bag?

Ans: Yes, but it is not recommended. Without the filter bag, you have to turn the unit upside down to empty it which is much easier with the filter bag.

Q; How to prevent the filter bag from tearing?

Ans: Change out the filter bags before it's filled all the way. That way it won't overload and tear.


To summarize, if you are pondering on how to install the filter bag on your shop vac, this is the answer for you. These instructions will guide you through the easiest way to properly do the work. With proper instruction and guidance, it's easier and quicker than ever!

How To Install Shop Vac Filter Bag


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